
[综合] 时间:2024-04-20 23:48:46 来源:蓝影头条 作者:娱乐 点击:64次

新加坡一所国际学校——史丹福美国国际学校的陌生兀里校区(woodleigh campus)在前天早上有一名陌生人闯入校园,并与一名学生发生对峙。人闯入新学校接收到学生的加坡报告后,立刻封锁校园。国际安保团队反应迅速,学校学生制服了这名“外来者”,对峙并立即报了警。陌生



This morning, we had an incident where an intruder, known to some of our high school students, confronted one of our students on the Woodleigh campus. We learned about the incident when the Stamford student came to the high school office to report it.

We went into lockdown, and our students and staff responded extremely well as they followed emergency protocols. Our security team was able to apprehend the intruder, and we contacted the police.

We will work in partnership with the local authorities to investigate the situation, including how the intruder accessed campus. It appears that this incident stemmed from a weekend conflict.

Our school counseling and psychologist team will be offering support to students who may feel anxious about the lockdown. We understand that such incidents can be distressing for students, staff and parents alike. Please reach out if you feel your child needs support.


The safety of our community is our utmost priority. We will carefully debrief today’s incident to ensure we have the strongest possible protocols and actions in place to navigate such emergencies.

I’m proud of how our community responded today.

