宝马大项目再次签约沈阳!丨BMW's new power battery project settles in Shenyang

[焦点] 时间:2024-04-28 13:27:03 来源:蓝影头条 作者:百科 点击:151次
BMW Brilliance's investment
in Shenyang
is increased once again!
BMW's new power battery project
was signed in Shenyang recently!
The total investment of the project
is about CNY 10 billion!

This is another major investment
after the large-scale upgrading project
of BMW Brilliance production base
(hereinafter referred to as "Plant Lydia")
with the total investment

of CNY 15 billion!


According to the agreement, BMW Shenyang production base will conduct large-scale expansion of power battery production.

After the expansion, the center will become the third power battery center of BMW Group in the world.

华晨宝马动力电池中心于2017年开业,是约沈阳丨宝马集团在德国以外首个拥有完整电池装备能力的电池中心,也使宝马成为首个在华设立动力电池中心的豪华汽车品牌。动力电池二期项目于2020年竣工投产,大项其生产的目再动力电池搭载在BMW iX3和BMW i3上。

BMW Brilliance Power Battery Center was opened in 2017, which is the first battery center of BMW Group outside Germany with complete battery equipment capability, and also makes BMW become the first luxury car brand to set up the power battery center in China.
The second phase of the power battery project was completed and put into operation in 2020. The power batteries produced by it are carried on the BMW iX3 and BMW i3.

全新动力电池项目位于中德(沈阳)高端装备制造产业园,同样遵循BMW iFACTORY生产战略,将在数字化和可持续方面树立新标杆。它将大幅提升宝马动力电池的本土产能和生产规模,为宝马电动化发展的新阶段奠定坚实基础,并进一步推进宝马集团最新技术在中国落地。

The new power battery project is located in China-Germany Equipment Manufacturing Industrial Park in Shenyang.
It will also follow BMW iFACTORY's production strategy to set a new benchmark in digitalization and sustainability.
It will significantly increase the local capacity and production scale of BMW's power battery, lay a solid foundation for the new stage of BMW's electrification development, and further promote the implementation of the latest technology of BMW Group in China.

The new investment project
proves BMW's firm confidence
and long-term commitment
to the Chinese market and Shenyang.
Join hands with old friends
to open up new cooperation!
Come on!

Editor: Zhu Ge, Dong Junzi

Translator: Han Dake

