
[知识] 时间:2024-04-27 19:29:17 来源:蓝影头条 作者:娱乐 点击:100次
新任驻美代表萧美琴。美国美琴(中评社 资料照)
  中评社台北6月17日电/蔡英文16日正式任命萧美琴为驻美代表,台协美国在台协会(AIT)今天发布新闻稿祝贺萧美琴出任驻美代表,祝贺萧并肯定蔡英文的出任人事派令。  美国在台协会(AIT)祝贺全文    美国在台协会(AIT)祝贺萧美琴出任驻美代表,驻美推崇萧美琴一向致力于推动美台关系,代表并将成为担任此关键角色的美国美琴首位女性。萧女士于“立法院”任职期间,台协成功与跨党派“立委”和美国在台协会合作,祝贺萧在美台伙伴关系许多面向上都取得了进展,出任包括双边的驻美安全合作、经济和商业关系,代表并共同努力将台湾的美国美琴民主成功故事与全世界分享。  我们肯定蔡英文的台协这项人事派令,我们也有信心美台友谊在萧女士任期内将持续蓬勃发展。祝贺萧  美国在台协会(AIT)祝贺全文(英文)  AIT Congratulates Hsiao Bi-khim on Her Appointment as Taiwan’s Representative to the United States   The American Institute in Taiwan congratulates Hsiao Bi-khim on becoming Taiwan’s Representative to the United States.Ms.Hsiao has a strong record of advancing U.S.-Taiwan relations and will be the first woman to hold this critical role. During her tenure in the Legislative Yuan,Ms.Hsaio worked successfully with her bipartisan colleagues and with AIT to make progress on many aspects of the U.S.-Taiwan partnership,including our security cooperation,economic and commercial ties,and joint efforts to share Taiwan’s democratic success story with the world.We commend President Tsai’s appointment of Ms.Hsiao,and feel confident that the U.S.-Taiwan friendship will flourish during her tenure.

