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[时尚] 时间:2024-05-03 01:41:46 来源:蓝影头条 作者:探索 点击:138次
中评社北京2月22日电/2月20日,中印中印两军在莫尔多/楚舒勒会晤点中方一侧举行第十轮军长级会谈。第轮双方对前期班公湖地区一线兵力实现脱离接触给予积极评价,军长级认为这是谈联一个重要进展,为解决中印边界西段实控线地区其他问题提供了基础。合新双方就西段实控线地区其他问题坦诚深入交换意见。闻稿双方同意遵照两国领导人重要共识,中印继续保持沟通对话,第轮稳控现地局势,军长级稳步有序达成双方都可接受的谈联解决方案,共同维护边境地区和平与安宁。合新  Joint Press Release of the 10th Round of China-India Corps Commander Level Meeting  On February 20,闻稿the 10th round of China-India Corps Commander Level Meeting was held on the Chinese side of the Moldo/Chushul border meeting point.The two sides positively appraised the smooth completion of disengagement of frontline troops in the Bangong Lake area noting that it was a significant step forward that provided a good basis for resolution of other remaining issues along the LAC in Western Sector.They had candid and in-depth exchange of views on other issues along the LAC in the Western Sector.The two sides agreed to follow the important consensus of their state leaders,continue their communication and dialogue,stabilize and control the situation on the ground,push for a mutually acceptable resolution of the remaining issues in a steady and orderly manner,so as to jointly maintain peace and tranquility in the border areas.  来源:国防部网

