视频 | 游客在北京动物园,围观萌兰祝福丫丫

[百科] 时间:2024-05-02 20:18:14 来源:蓝影头条 作者:焦点 点击:76次
近期,北京西直门三太子萌兰凭借社牛称号吸引一众粉丝齐聚北京动物园,动物幸运的观萌是,记者赶上了他的兰祝上班时间;不幸的是,记者身高不够,福丫啥也没看见……在国内大熊猫成为网红的视频同时,备受关注的游客园围丫旅居美国20年的大熊猫丫丫将于近日回到祖国,中方现已做好接返大熊猫丫丫回国的北京各项准备。记者在北京动物园,动物听到了大家对丫丫的观萌祝福,希望丫丫回国后,兰祝能被萌兰的福丫社牛所传染,不再孤单。视频Meng Lan, the star panda, attracts a large number of fans to the Beijing Zoo. Fortunately, Bingjie has got the opportunity to see him; unfortunately, Bingjie was not tall enough to see anything...Among many star pandas in China, Ya Ya in the United States is concerned most by many people. China has already made adequate preparations to welcome Ya Ya back to China. Many people sent their blessings to Ya Ya, hoping she can be as happy as Meng Lan.

