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特朗普批准售台F16 韩办感谢

[综合] 时间:2024-05-04 01:33:43 来源:蓝影头条 作者:休闲 点击:76次
高雄市长韩国瑜。特朗台(中评社 资料照)
  中评社台北8月19日电/美国总统特朗普18日证实,普批他已批准售台F-16战机,准售军售案将待“国会”通过。韩办中国国民党2020参选人韩国瑜竞选总部今天发布新闻稿表示,感谢就美国特朗普总统批准对台F-16战机军售案,特朗台表示感谢。普批未来担任“总统”,准售将会继续强化台美国防与安全关系,韩办善尽“和平捍卫者”的感谢角色。  韩国瑜表示,特朗台台海和平稳定,普批百姓安居乐业,准售是韩办他竞选“总统”最根本,也是感谢最首要的目标。  韩国瑜说,创造及维护两岸和平,除了要有正确务实的大陆政策之外,也要有坚强的军事力量做为后盾。在台湾海峡军事力量失衡严重的情况下,军方除了循序进行武器装备汰旧换新,建构新一代战力有其必要性及急迫性。  韩国瑜强调,两岸政策与国防政策是相辅相成的,缺一不可,可惜民进党政府的两岸政策与国防政策彼此矛盾,一方面制造两岸对抗,另一方面再来强化军事。韩国瑜主张,两岸和解与坚实国防更能保障“中华民国”的主权与安全,而且各行各业才能兴旺发展。  韩国瑜“国政”顾问团”的国防小组成员,也即将开展对美沟通相关工作。  韩国瑜竞选总部新闻稿英文全文如下:  Press release  Han Kuo-yu Campaign Office 2019/08/19  [for immediate release]  The KMT presidential candidate Han Kuo-yu applauded President Donald Trump’s decision to approve the sale of new F-16 fighters to Taiwan. If elected president, Han pledges to deepen US-Taiwan security and military relationships and make Taiwan a robust “peace defender.”  “Maintaining peace across the Taiwan Strait and making people living in a prosperous life are the foremost objectives of his decision to enter into Taiwan’s presidential race,” Han said. He strongly believes in the idea of “peace through strength” as advocated by presidents Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump.   Han believes peace relies not only on smart and pragmatic Mainland China policy but also on strong self-defense capability. Han supports regular replacement of obsolete weapons systems and acquiring next generation technology and capability.  Unlike the DPP Administration’s policy of strengthening defense while taking a confrontational approach against the PRC, Han emphasized that his cross-strait policy and defense policy are synchronized. He believes the sovereignty and security of the Republic of China and prosperous life of Taiwan people can only be ensured by pursuing peace across the Taiwan Strait through robust defense capability.  Han has directed his recently formed advisory team on national security and defense affairs to begin a series of communications with their counterparts in the United States.

